Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Child of Stripped Pijama
In the first place, this exciting book was writted John Boyne that told about the history of child in Germany exactly in Berlin where they were living until (all his family) was translated to Auchviz. To be honest, these place in particular to Bruno didn´t like so much, how ever there was many people was wearing stripped pijamas.
In these days, Bruno Knew to other child Smuel that became his friend. Both of them was talking en fence every days in the ajternoon, frecuently Bruno gave many food to Smuel became was ill and his face went pale.

In the second place, Bruno had never known all these people that wre through the fence, were Jewish and they could die in next days. After some weeks Smuel couldn´t find hid gather and Buno and Snuel have ssen again in fence but their adventure became en horrible situation. Bruno dressed stripped pijame qho Smuel and began the search of Smuel´s father but sudenly the soldiers ordered to many Jewish people in a group and was walking towards ermetic place, but the worst : Smuel and Bruno was stayed there too,...

Finally the Bruno´s family never found to child but could find his clothes near fence,...

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